Do you know what’s worth fighting for
When it’s not worth dying for?
Does it takes your breath away…..
Ringtone fon aku bunyi dalam kowl 3.43 pm on 9 November 2009. Then aku angkatla…. Adew sorang laki yang perkenalkan diri diew ngan name IWAN ISKANDAR. He said he called to say to me about Celcom Prepaid. At first,he said that Celcom is now provided a Dual Sim Card (if I’m not mistaken). I was like “ok…”.. After that,he started to talk about insurance. And he mesmerized me about all da pampasan that I will get. Then he asked me my IC no,my address. He even said that he wanted to bank in a sum of miney that will be deposited once a year. N for that reason he asked me abt my bank acc. I said that I oni have BSN acc. N I gave him my acc no. I noe dat I’m stupid fuc*ing damn asshole,kan…… I juz can’t do anything…. Abt 5 mins after our conversation, I called him back. N guess wat?? It was engaged. Then I called another No. which is given to me by that hoe. A girl picked up the fon.
Amir: hello slamat petang…
Girl: slamat petang.
Amir: erm… bley sambungkan saya ngan IWAN ISKANDAR..
Girl: sekejap ye encik..
Amir: ok..
Girl: tadi encik nak cakap ngan sapew??
Girl: sorry ye encik,tapi kitorang xdew pekerja yang name die IWAN ISKANDAR tapi kalo IRWAN ISWANDI ngan IRWANSYAH 2 adela..
OMG!!!!!! Aku da kene tipu!!!!! Then I called Celcom in case die taw kan… col punye col,last2 die pown tataw… then die gtaw aku yang aku spttnye call Celcom dulu b4 I make any decision. Aku cam menyesal sangat!!!!!!!! Then,I called my friend, Ridhwan(which is my bestfriend) n gtawla die pasal benda nie… pastu kitorang da wat kptsn untuk g balai Polis n wat report… then pas wat report 2,ketua po,lis 2 gtaw aku utk g freeze my bank acc. Hurm… aku pown cam tatawla…. Apela dosa aku sampai aku jd camnie… aku takot yang diorang akan gune no IC aku n misuse it. Huhu…. I feel like eventhough aku blaja 4 dip, tp aku ttp cam bodoh… huhu… sedih sgt taw!!!!